Legal Aid for Refugees
We'll help you every step of the way How can we help you?

Find out about your options with attorney Mr. Kerschies and book an initial consultation today via zoom call.

In the first half of 2022, over 80,000 asylum applications were made in Germany. This means an increase of almost 20% compared to the same period last year. In many countries, people are forced to leave their homes when they are marginalized there as a minority and are no longer under the protection of their home state. Political persecution is spoken of here. According to the Geneva Convention, this can also include persecution for religious reasons and exclusion due to belonging to a social minority. A lawyer for asylum law as an expert can help here, because complicated procedures are necessary in the country of refuge in order to obtain a right to stay or family reunification.

Attorney Kerschies as a lawyer specializing in asylum law, the needs of his foreign clients are important to him and he competently advises and represents a large number of refugees, including those from Iran. Another important point is that our office can answer the questions in Farsi. In addition, we have completely switched to digital systems, which means that we count clients from all over the world among our clients.

Find out more about your options with attorney Mr. Kerschies and book an initial consultation today via zoom call.

Further information can be found on the website You can reach us by phone on +49 (0)40 – 3868706-00 or write an e-mail to

Feel free to suggest an appointment. We can respond flexibly to your problems via zoom call. We almost always find a solution!


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