Asylum law Hanover

Hanover is the largest city in Lower Saxony with well over 500,000 inhabitants. Not only Germans, but also many people from abroad appreciate this green city. Refugees looking for asylum want a longer stay, because here they can recover from their difficult flight. Because political asylum is granted when the asylum seeker is denied the protection of their own country for various reasons and persecution occurs in their own country. Asylum law in Hanover places certain demands on asylum seekers, which must be mastered in the course of the asylum recognition procedure. As a result, many refugees face a major challenge and are dependent on legal counsel.

Here, our law firm offers help for those seeking advice from all over the world, especially after the digital system changeover. A large proportion of our clients come from Iran and receive their answers in Farsi.

In our law firm, we respond to the needs of all clients with sensitivity and analyze the opportunities that are available to them, with attorney Mr. Kerschies representing his clients with foresight and competence.

Find out more about your opportunities, with a focus on asylum law in Hanover, from Mr. Kerschies and book an appointment now via zoom call.

Further information can be found on the website You can reach us by phone on +49 (0)40 – 3868706-00 or write an e-mail to

Feel free to suggest an appointment. We can respond flexibly to your problems via zoom call. We almost always find a solution!

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