Asylum law in Frankfurt

The city of Frankfurt am Main is the fifth largest city in Germany and has a proportion of foreigners of around 50%. So it is easy to understand that Frankfurt is also the destination of many asylum seekers who, being politically persecuted, are exposed to danger in their own country and are looking for a new home to escape the sometimes terrible conditions in their home country.

Arrived in Frankfurt, as asylum seekers, they have to face the Frankfurt Asylum Law. A complex procedure awaits them here, with which they hope to get a right to stay. Of course, by no means everyone is up to the challenge of this procedure and therefore needs competent legal advice.

Our law firm does not shy away from problematic cases and supports our clients at home and abroad with a wealth of experience, enthusiasm and competence. After our conversion to digital systems, many clients from abroad also make use of our services. Refugees from Iran feel that they are in good hands with us, because we also answer their questions in Farsi. Lawyer Mr. Kerschies is familiar with the focus on asylum law in Frankfurt, please contact him to find out more about your options and arrange a consultation appointment via zoom call today.

Further information can be found on the website You can reach us by phone on +49 (0)40 – 3868706-00 or write an e-mail to

Feel free to suggest an appointment. We can respond flexibly to your problems via zoom call. We almost always find a solution!

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