Hamburg Asylum Law

Hamburg is a popular place for people with a migration background. And everyone wants a safe home for themselves and their families. But worldwide, the number of refugees is steadily increasing. Because they belong to a minority that is being persecuted in their home country, more and more people are being driven to leave their homes under the most difficult conditions in order to seek help in comparatively safe places, including Hamburg.

In Germany, however, complicated procedures in connection with the asylum law in Hamburg are faced by the refugees. For this reason, it is advisable to hire a lawyer. Lawyer Kerschies sees the Hamburg asylum law as an opportunity to represent his clients competently and comprehensively and thus give them a new start towards a better quality of life.

Our law firm has clients from all over the world, this is because we have switched to digital systems. A large number of refugees from Iran already trust in the services of our law firm. We can also answer your questions in Farsi. Feel free to book an initial Zoom consultation today.

Find out more about your options with attorney Mr. Kerschies and book an appointment via zoom call.

Further information can be found on the website You can reach us by phone on +49 (0)40 – 3868706-00 or write an e-mail to

Feel free to suggest an appointment. We can respond flexibly to your problems via zoom call. We almost always find a solution!

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